Federal Reserve data show that bank assets have increased$ 712 billion in the past four weeks, Bank of America said in a report late last week. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)在上周晚些时候的一份报告中说,美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)的数据显示,过去4周银行资产增加了7120亿美元。
Restocking by China's state commodity reserve bureau played a large part in the record import volumes, as did easy credit from state banks, which encouraged some firms to buy commodities speculatively, according to the report. 报告称,中国国家物资储备局重新补充库存,对大宗商品进口升至历史高位起到了重要作用。国有银行扩大放贷,推动一些企业购买大宗商品进行投机,也起到了很大作用。
The Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, said this week it would soon make public a government-sponsored but non-binding report outlining a "road map" to capital account convertibility. 印度央行印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)本周表示,不久央行将公布一份由政府资助但不具有约束力的报告,概述资本账户可兑换的“路线图”。
"It is usual that poachers enter into Jarawa reserve areas to hunt wild animals," a tribal welfare officer blithely notes in an internal report on April's attack, obtained by Reuters. “偷猎者经常会为猎取野生动物闯进加洛瓦保护区。”在路透社得到的一份关于四月份袭击事件的内部调查报告中,一位部落福利官员坦率地指出。
Separately, a Federal Reserve report indicated US industrial production rebounded in March, helped by an increase in mining and utilities output. 此外,美联储的报告也指出,受矿业和公用事业产出增加的推动,3月份美国工业生产数据反弹。
Are broadcasting orders for reserve soldiers to report to duty. 正在播放要求预备士兵服役的命令。
The disaster blocked roads in the reserve and caused landslides that made the area difficult for staff to rescue the animals, which are unique to China, the report said. 记者讲述此次地震造成保护区内道路阻塞,山体滑坡从而使得工作人员很难对中国国宝进行施救。
If a new paper published in a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is correct, the answer is sobering. 纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)在一份报告中发布了一篇相关论文,如果文中观点是正确的,那么答案令人警醒。
The chairman of the Federal Reserve delivered his twice-yearly report on the US economy and monetary policy before Congress yesterday. 昨日,美联储(usfederalreserve)主席就美国经济和货币政策向国会提交了半年一度的报告。
We are committed to ensuring the viability of all the major financial institutions, Mr Bernanke said, as he presented the Federal Reserve's twice-annual Monetary Report to Congress. 在向国会递交美联储每年两度的货币政策报告时,伯南克表示:我们致力于确保所有大型金融机构的生存能力。
We reserve the right to report any wrongdoing by you, if we become aware of it, to the applicable government authorities. 如果我们发现您有任何不良行为,我们保留将其报告给相关政府机构的权利。
I'd like to reserve judgement until I see the report. 我还是想看到报告后再发表意见。
By analyzed variograms, the paper established grade model of iron and estimated the reserve, the calculating results were consistent to the data provided by the geological exploration report. 通过变异函数分析,建立了铁元素矿床品位模型,并对储量进行了估算,计算结果与地质勘探报告上提供的数据基本相符。